Henderson Combine Ladders
$4250 plus shipping, complete with standard lever step lift and powdercoat paint.
A standard, manual, lever lift is included in price above. Add $1250 for seat switch, accuator and wiring kit.
A flagship frame mount will add $750 to the standard price.
NOTE PRICING AS OF JANUARY 2024: $7500 with 20% off until may 2024.
10% off May, June, and July of 2024
Red and green ladders are the same price.
Stocking dealers will receive an additional 10% for early order.
These ladders will need to be picked up in Beresford, South Dakota if not shipped.
Note that current pricing is valid through December 2023 and reflects pre-Covid19 prices. Steel, accuator, switches, wire and shop supplies, etc have all increased 20-25% during the pandemic, so when this inventory is gone, we will have to raise prices. Order early to guarantee delivery!
X9 Ladders ready to ship immediately!
Standard Lever Lift